AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! THIS DAY WAS ONE OF THE BEST EVERRRR! Finally met my craft inspiration, Alessandra Lanot of LifeAfterBreakfast for a watercolor workshop. I had such a blast, learned a lot and just basically was fangirling all the time. :)))
So sorry for posting super late, was very busy with school work. Finally got the time! #sorrynotsorry

Had our workshop at A little piece of sky cafe in Guadalupe, Cebu. (super cute and cozy place!!)
With my craft buddy and my loves, Syang <3
One of the highlights of the workshop, freebies!!! Yey for new stuff!! the workshop kit included a Koi 18-watercolor palette, 3 brushes, a pencil, an eraser and watercolor papers.
Just, aaaaahhhh!!!
The Koi 18-watercolor palette
First activity, figuring out shades and hues of different colors, and ofcourse, picked out blue!
Vegan snacks! Camote fries and a veggie sandwich! (forgot the ame)
Our ever loyal supporters who came with us to the workshop, Gale and Charmaine! :)
Table mates with Alessa!!:))
At the end, we were told to gather our works on the coffe table. guess which one's mine!:D
We were told to "like" the work which we thought was the best.
Class photo op!
My work at the top center :)))
It's a tie!!! me and this girl won :D
Our noob works!hahahaha
Syang thought her work was like pizza. Lol
With Alessa and her husband PJ! :)
For winning, i got an original artwork from her!!! So surreal!!!!
The "inspiration" of my work. hmmmmmm
My works plus a post card given away by Alessa at the lower right.
This has been a great experience for me and hopefully, I would still be able to join her future workshops. Still hungry for more!!
Stay tuned! :)
♥ ♥ ♥